Frequently Asked Questions About Match Recall

Everything You Need to Know: FAQs About Match Recall

What is Match Recall?
Match Recall is a web app designed to help tennis league and tournament players improve their game using reflective journaling of opponents’ game styles, strengths, weaknesses, and match notes data.
You input information about your opponents and matches, and the app helps you analyze and recall this data to enhance your game strategy.
You need a device, prefably a mobile phone, browser with internet access and a subscription to Match Recall.
Yes, Match Recall is accessible on any device with a web browser.

Match Recall focuses on reflective journaling for tennis, and storing detailed information on opponents played, where other apps are focused on tracking matches using someone who physically tracks shots, errors and other data real time or using video with AI that pulls those stats from recordings. They do not allow for reflective journaling.

Yes, it helps beginners or advanced players track their progress and understand their opponents better.
Match Recall is a web app optimized for mobile use.
Yes! You can access them here: Getting Started
As a competitive recreational tennis player I needed an easy way to journal but could not find the right solution, here’s my story. Watch Video

Frequently Asked Questions Using Match Recall

Everything You Need to Know: FAQs Using Match Recall

Why is this Easy to Use?
The interface is user-friendly and designed for quick and easy data entry. You can use to talk to text feature on your keyboard to easily add notes for matches and players
Yes, it’s easy to check, and if they are not in there, you can add the player. This will speed up match entry.
No, you need an internet connection to access and update data.
You can track all your tennis matches, Leagues, Tournaments and Practice matches wether singles or doubles.
Match Recall will track win/loss, for games, sets and matches and track by opponents and partners. There are many filters that allow you to bring up that stats based on what filters you choose.
Yes, you can add notes and observations about any player.
Contact support through the help section on the website or via email at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions Data & Privacy

Everything You Need to Know: FAQs Using Match Recall

Can others see my profile?
No, your profile is private unless you choose to share it by showing your screen.
No, your notes are private unless you choose to share them by showing your screen.
Not at this time. You can share information with other users if you choose to by showing your screen..
Your data is stored securely and can be accessed if you return to the app in the future.